Gentle Hands


"Words can't say how grateful we are for all you did to give
my husband the spark to want to live again.  But we are.
And, he is doing very good!" 


"My neck is the best it's been in weeks!!  Thanks!!"


"I wanted to thank you for working on me on Monday.
I really got relief from just those few minutes.
The remainder of that day, I felt considerably better.
Very impressive.
I would like to ask you for additional work."
Dr. S., D.C.


"Yesterday I did not feel the stabbing pain on the spot. (T 7)
Today, I feel I am having more energy and definitely an improvement.
Thank you for helping me."



"I called to tell you my eye had problems including
'black' floaters.  I looked up what you told me for
the eye in your Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help class.
I sat down and did it.  I wanted to tell you my eye
cleared immediately and has stayed clear.  I am so thankful you
and Jin Shin Jyutsu came into my life!"


"Dear Karen,
I am deeply grateful for your therapy.
This morning my feet and ankles are totally NORMAL.
All the edema disappeared.
Yes, I do prayers and metaphysical affirmations and
   should  be used to by now, that it works.
I am still in awe of my two healings and
you can mention it to anyone if you wish.
Thank you for helping me.
Yes, you are doing God's work.
May God Bless you.
Gratefully yours,"

E. R.♥


"I did very well after your treatment.  I was able
to settle and focus at work."



"The day of your workshop, I was affected by
seasonal allergies.  After teaching me how to
hold my ring finger for 20 minutes, my nose
cleared up.  Thank you!"



"I have to admit, one session and my gout symptoms
went away within 24 hours."


"I wanted to let you know yesterday morning started out about the same pain wise.
The rest of the day I didn't put much thought into it. 

I had to use a set of steps at the end of the day and I went, "WOW!" 
My knee doesn't hurt.  I was delighted and shocked all at the same time.
I tested my range of motion and I have about 80% now, which is amazing. 
I'll continue with the instructions you sent with me.  Thank you again!!!"











Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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